Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday, April 28

Rehearsal tomorrow will cover everything we've done so far, and hopefully we can start "Night Into Day" with the elephants.

The main move during "I Wanna Be Like You" is 8 counts:

1. Clasp hands together in air
2. Bring clasped hands down
3. Pretend you're swing a bat with clasped hands (to your right)
4. Swing back to center with clasped hands
5. Push both arms out straight ahead with hands flexed
6. Pull back right hand to shoulder
7. Punch once halfway to hand
8. Punch again next half so your hands are out straight again with hands flexed.

Practice, practice, practice.

Ms. Goodman

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Here's the updated Jungle Prologue.

Keep practicing!! 5 times a week for 10 minutes.

Ms. Goodman

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Please find the staging and lyrics sheets for Bare Necessities here.

Make sure you are listening to the CD, including the animal sounds at the end. We will be working on animal sounds and movement the next time we meet.

Try to practice for10 minutes a day. Practice any lines you have in the first half of the show, and singing and dancing to Jungle Prologue and Bare Necessities.

That's all for now,
Ms. Goodman

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Learn the parts of the stage and The Jungle Prologue staging and movement


I have added pages with staging and movement for The Jungle Prologue. The link is below the image of the stage where it says, "Click for The Jungle Prologue here."

Below is an image of a stage. I will use the two or three-letter initials to describe areas of the stage for our songs/scenes. Here's an example: At the start of the show, Bagheera will be at DSR (down stage right), and Baloo will be at DSL (down stage left), then they will meet at DSC (down stage center).

Click for The Jungle Prologue staging and movement here.

I hope you are all enjoying your break!
Ms. Goodman

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Monday, 3/18/2013 REHEARSAL #3

Hello Cast and Super Crew,

I'm going to use this blog as a way of communicating with you. No students will be identified by name, only by character names. 

So . . . when we meet again on April 9th, you should have Jungle Prologue and Bare Necessities memorized--the lyrics, the blocking and the choreography

Blocking is the movement and positioning of actors on a stage. 

Choreography is the sequence of steps and movements in a dance or staged dance.

During the next couple days, I will post a Microsoft Word document that details all the dance moves for these two songs. Also, I will be posting specific homework for characters.

Costume Designers: Here are some images of Kaa the snake from other productions:

That's all for now.